Reinventing the Future
Equity in Engineering.
Sustainability for the World.
Thank you to all those who helped make this an unforgettable evening, including the more than 230 attendees and many other donors.
Together, we are advancing a diverse and equitable engineering community, inspired and equipped to innovate a sustainable future for everyone.
Though the event has passed, there’s still time to support this important work.
“I have attended many galas, and this was by far my favorite. Everything was so meticulously planned… The cocktail reception was fun and allowed that extra time that we all need to get through traffic, mingle, and decompress. The dinner was delicious. However, my favorite part of the event was almost always my least favorite at other events like this…the speeches.”
“Sometimes, school and this major can get tough, but after spending the evening and hearing the speakers I was reminded why I chose to major in ME in the first place and it brought back a kind of spark.”

Tom Costabile

And to our Event Sponsors
Dr. Gwendolyn E. Boyd Endowed Scholarship Fund for Equity in Engineering
Thank You to our Early Supporters
Engineering a sustainable future requires the talent and creativity of the full spectrum of humanity. To ensure that the mechanical engineering profession leaves no one behind, the ASME Foundation will establish The Dr. Gwendolyn E. Boyd Endowed Scholarship Fund for Equity in Engineering with the express goal of achieving equitable representation of women and members of other underrepresented groups among the ranks of professional engineers. Powered by directed donations to ASME’s Campaign for Next Generation Engineers, the Fund will support undergraduate aspiring engineers from diverse backgrounds who reside in the United States.
Mr. Mahesh Aggarwal
Dr. John Anderson
Dr. Oscar Barton
Mr. Reuben A. Bell
Ms. Nicole A. Bernard, Esq.
Michelle D. Bernard, Esq.
Dr. Gwendolyn E. Boyd
Ms. Donella Brockington
Mrs. Jennifer Campbell
Mrs. Melissa Carl
Mr. Leonard & Mrs. Laura Chalk
Mrs. Gretchen Crutchfield
Dr. Carol Dahl
Ms. Mary Anne Davis
Mr. Claude Dickerson
Mr. Bruce Falstein
Ms. Annie Goodman
Mr. Johney Green
Mr. Kenneth Grimes
Rev. Dr. Michele V. Hagans
Dr. Freeman Hrabowski, III
Mrs. Carla Harris
Mr. John Hasselmann
Dr. Nnamdi & Mrs. Allysa Ike
Ms. Shelly Jackson
Mrs. Barbara Johnson
Mr. Noshir Langrana
MedStar Health
Dr. Victor McCrary
Mr. Keith Miles
Ms. Alexis Mohrey
Ms. Caroline Naggiar
Ms. Karen Ohland
Mr. Jeff & Mrs. Melissa Patterson
Mr. Keith & Mrs. Brownie Roe
Ms. Karen Russo
Dr. Carmen Sidbury
Janay Smith, Esq.
Dr. Sonya Smith
Ms. Linda Water Thomas
Ms. Nicole Venable
Ms. Stephanie Viola
Ms. Ellen Wells
Ms. Michelle Wilson
Host Committee

Frank C. Adamek, P.E.
Chair, ASME Foundation Board

Rosie Allen-Herring
President & CEO, United Way, National Capital Area

Iana Aranda
Director, Engineering Global Development, ASME

Rev. Shavon Arline-Bradley
President & CEO, National Council of Negro Women, Inc.

Dr. Oscar Barton, P.E.
Dean, Morgan State University, College of Engineering; Member, ASME Foundation Board

Reuben A. Bell
President, Quality Packaging Specialist International

Michelle D. Bernard, Esq.
President & CEO, The Bernard Center for Women, Politics & Public Policy

Nicole A. Bernard, Esq.
Senior EVP, Mandarin/Wolf Entertainment

Michelle Blaise
Senior Vice President, Technical Services, ComEd; Member, Campaign Cabinet

Dr. Gwendolyn E. Boyd
Engineer, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (ret); Former President, Alabama State University; Member, ASME Campaign Cabinet

Melissa Carl
Director, Diversity and Volunteer Training, ASME

Commissioner William Clyburn, Jr.
Principal, Clyburn Consulting, LLC

Dr. Carol Dahl
Former Executive Director, The Lemelson Foundation; Member, Campaign Cabinet

Dr. Aprille Ericsson
New Business Lead, Instrument Systems and Technology Division (STD), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Lesli Foster
News Anchor, WUSA-TV

Dr. Johney Green, Jr.
Associate Laboratory Director, Mechanical and Thermal Engineering Sciences, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Rev. Dr. Michele V. Hagans
President & Chief Executive Officer, Fort Lincoln New Town Corporation

Deborah Harrington
Founder & CEO, Energy Audits and Green Solutions, LLC

Dr. Tequila A.L. Harris
DEI Chair Fellow, Associate Professor, George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech

John Hasselmann
Managing Director, Global Public Affairs, ASME

Hon. Alexis M. Herman
23rd U.S. Secretary of Labor

Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski, III
President Emeritus, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Sundiata “Sunji" Jangha
Director of Pipeline Programs, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Dr. Calvin Mackie
President & CEO, STEM NOLA

William D. Magwood, IV
Former Commissioner, United States Regulatory Commission; Member, Campaign Cabinet

Camelia Mazard, Esq.
Partner Doyle, Barlow & Mazard, PLLC

Dr. Victor McCrary
NSB Vice Chair, Vice President for Research and Graduate Programs, Professor of Chemistry, University of the District of Columbia

Karen J. Ohland
Associate Director, Finance & Operations (Princeton University Art Museum) 141st President, ASME

Thomas D. Pestorius
Member, ASME Philanthropy Committee & Campaign Cabinet, President & CEO H&P Incorporated (retired)

K. Keith Roe, P.E.
Chair, ASME Philanthropy Committee & Campaign Cabinet, Chairman & CEO, Burns & Roe Enterprises (retired)

Derrick E. Scott
Former Executive Director – MI/LSAMP and Former Minority Engineering Program Director, University of Michigan (retired)

Dr. Carmen Sidbury
Senior Director for Research & Development, National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering

Dr. Sonya Smith
Professor, Howard University, College of Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; Member, ASME Foundation Board

Dr. Lydia W. Thomas
Former President & Chief Executive Officer, Noblis

Michelle A. Wilson
President, Rock Creek Business Systems
ASME Foundation
Through education that inspires, helping young people pursue careers that matter, to nurturing ideas that innovate, the ASME Foundation opens the world of engineering to diverse young people who will transform the world. We are helping to build a more equitable and sustainable future.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is a professional association that promotes the art, science, and practice of multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences around the globe via continuing education, training and professional development, codes and standards, research, conferences and publication, government relations, and more.
Sustainability for the World
We believe the future depends on sustainability. Climate change and sustainable development are the paramount challenges of our time. Through our philanthropic programs that address the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the ASME Foundation is working to mobilize a global ecosystem of engineers to innovate a sustainable world.
Equity in Engineering
We believe diversity drives innovation. Building a sustainable world demands that we harness the talent and creativity of the full spectrum of humanity. Only a diverse, equitable, and inclusive engineering profession can meet the sustainability challenge, so the ASME Foundation is working to double the number of women and other underrepresented minorities in engineering by 2030.